You can add a disk by using an add-on function and increase the file system size. 您可以通过使用一个附件功能来添加一个磁盘,并增加文件系统大小。
With RAID-1, a disk can fail, and information can still be acquired through the other copy. 对于RAID-1,一个磁盘发生故障时,信息仍然可以通过其他副本获取。
A Linux filesystem contains files that are arranged on a disk or other block storage device in directories. Linux文件系统包含排列在磁盘或其他区块存储设备的目录中的文件。
A target device could be a hard disk or a disk array system. 目标设备可以是硬盘或磁盘阵列系统。
For example, compact operations act like a disk defragmentation tool for your NSF files. 例如,压缩操作就像一个针对NSF文件的磁盘碎片整理工具。
Continuous writing to a disk can largely degrade the performance of a program, causing it to run slowly. 持续地对磁盘进行写入操作可能会极大地降低程序的性能,导致其运行速度缓慢。
Data is typically stored on a disk ( probably in a database on a disk). 数据通常存储在磁盘(可能位于磁盘的数据库中)。
The SVM saves all information about structures of volumes on a disk area called the replica. SVM将有关卷结构的所有信息都保存在一个称为副本(replica)的磁盘区中。
LVM is a disk allocation technique that supplements or replaces traditional partitions. LVM是一个磁盘分配技术,补充或替换传统分区。
This limits the number of primary partitions on a disk to four. 这限制了一个磁盘上的主分区数量,最多为4个。
A disk may contain only one extended partition. 一个磁盘可能仅包含一个扩展分区。
You include this data on a disk replication system with the following configuration 请通过以下配置将此数据包括在磁盘复制系统中
How do I replace a disk? 如何替换某个磁盘?
A disk is not required but can be used for local scratch or for swap. 不需要磁盘,但是可以使用磁盘执行本地操作或交换。
The client needs a disk drive and a network must be added. 客户机需要一个磁盘驱动器,而且必须添加一个网络。
How to add a disk to a volume group? 如何将磁盘添加到卷组?
After downloading one of these disk images, you'll have a disk image that's ready to boot. 下载某个磁盘映像之后,您将拥有可以开始引导的磁盘映像。
Using a booted kernel with virtualization support enabled, the next step is to create a disk image for the guest operating system. 有了启用了虚拟化支持的引导内核,接下来的一个步骤是为客户操作系统创建一个磁盘映像。
The client now has a disk copy of the service profile. 客户机现在将服务配置文件的副本保存在磁盘中。
Using either one, you can find out if a disk got added or deleted from the cluster. 使用其中任何一个都可以知道集群中是添加还是移除了磁盘。
The partition table is located in the master boot record ( MBR) of a disk. 分区表位于磁盘主引导记录(MBR)之中。
The IBM I operating system handles the replication at a disk page level. IBMi操作系统可以在磁盘页面级别处理复制。
It also takes about 18 seconds to shoot a frame and record the data on a disk. 用它来拍摄图片并把数据存在磁盘上需要18秒左右。
Use to add a disk drive icon to an interface. 用于将磁盘驱动器图标添加到界面上。
A disk used on a disk harrow. 圆盘耙片;圆盘农具用在圆盘耙上的圆片。
A.Kim? How do you format a disk? I can't remember. 金姆?怎么做磁盘格式化的?我记不起来了。
Enables you to format a disk in the drive specified by the title bar. 允许你格式化在标题条中指定的驱动器中的磁盘。
A data carrier mounted and demounted as a unit, for example, a reel of magnetic tape, a disk pack. 可作为一个部件安装和卸下的存储数据的介质,例如,一个磁带卷,一个磁盘组。
A disk check has been scheduled. 已计划进行检查磁盘。
Select a disk on which to store cluster checkpoint and log files 选择在哪个磁盘上储存群集检查点和日志文件